FXTS Tools - Installation Guide
If your product comes in Zip format, extract the file into a temporary folder using the standard Windows Zip 'Extract' function or equivalent.
METHOD 1 - Using the CDX Installer (if available)
- Close all instances of MarketScope.
Launch the 'Installer.exe' or other '*-Setup.exe' application to begin the Install Wizard.
**You may need to click through any Windows security alerts.
This is normal as Windows does not recognize Chart Dynamix as a major software distributor. Example:
- Proceed through the steps of the Setup Wizard when prompted. Your license key can be found with your purchase confirmation or at any time via the Account Center at https://chartdynamix.com/my-account.

- If the installation was successful, re-launch MarketScope. The products will automatically be detected by FXTS and will be available for your use in their respective areas (Indicators, Strategies, Templates, Layouts, Profiles) as applicable.
- For this method, leave FXTS running but all open MarketScope windows must be closed to assure no indicators or strategies are running.
Now we should be viewing the main FX Trading Station Desktop window.
- Open the file folder in Windows Explorer where your Indicator, Strategy, or Tool files exist.
- Highlight all files that you wish to install, then drag and drop them directly on top of the FX Trading Station Desktop window.

- Click Install and confirm overwriting of existing files if desired.

- Your tools are ready to use! We may now open a new MarketScope window and layout.

- Software Activation: When using this method, we will need to activate each license key individually through its properties window.

**If you are upgrading your CDX Products to a new version, we recommend closing all Marketscope windows and proceeding with the installation from the FXTS Desktop window. You must be sure previous versions of the indicators are not running before installing them through Marketscope.
- From the FXTS Desktop, navigate to the top menu ‘Alerts and Trading Automation’ --> ‘Import Extension’.
- Browse to the location of your unzipped product folder.
- Select the indicator file you wish to import first and click Open. You will be prompted with a confirmation dialogue. Select Install.
- Repeat steps 1 through 3 for each indicator file you wish to install.
METHOD 4 - Manual Copying of ZIP File(s)
- Exit all instances of the FXTS application.
- Extract your downloaded product ZIP file to any directory using the Windows extraction tool or another equivalent.
- Browse to the location of your unzipped product folder.
- If your product includes an auto-installer, you should see a folder titled ‘Manual Install’. Otherwise, look in the main folder.
- Inside the main folder or Manual Install folder, you should see a ZIP file titled with your product.
- Extract this file to your local FXTS application directory.
- Re-launch the FXTS application and your new components should be available in their respective locations.
Default: C:\Program Files (x86)\Candleworks\FXTS2)
- Extract your layout (.chd) files to any directory using the Windows extraction tool or another equivalent.
- Open the FXTS Trading Desktop and navigate to ‘Manage Layouts.’

- Click ‘Import’ and browse to the location of the files you unzipped. Choose which layouts you would like to import.

- You will now have access to the layouts to open from within your FXTS Marketscope.