Welcome to the Community Forum!

Welcome to the Community Forum!

The CDX Community Forum gives you access to powerful support resources and a skilled community network for your trading and technology discussions!

You can post 4 types of content within this community:  Discussions Questions , Problems and Ideas . Each of these serves a particular purpose.

  1. Discussions:
    When you have something to discuss with the whole group, you can post a Discussion topic to the Forum. It's a great way to debate and collaborate!
  2. Questions:
    You can ask specific Questions about your trading or other related issues that you have encountered. You can find and post answers to these questions right there and earn respect from your fellow community members. You can also comment on other's posts and help keep our community organized.
  3. Problems:
    Issues that you may encounter when you interact with our products and services. You can describe the exact problem(s) you're facing and get actionable insights from us and the community. We can also convert your 'problem' into a support ticket and we'll keep you and other members updated on the status of the issue.
  4. Ideas:
    Ideas from users and customers often lead to new directions for our business and more innovations for you to take advantage of!  We encourage you to share your ideas with the community. Members may vote on ideas and we can all move forward with purpose based on a democratic-like participation within our community.

For further assistance, please explore the Forum / Knowledge Base or contact us at support@chartdynamix.com